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  • Consultation: Soil Microbiology, Compost (thermal, static, aerated static), Actively Aerated Compost Tea, Compost Extract, Vermicompost, Microscopy, Soil remediation $200/Hour.
    (15-min minimum, all consults billed to the tenth of an hour)

  • Compost Tea sprays: residential, commercial, and agricultural

  • Root Injection: compost tea tree root injection for increased fertility and disease remediation/protection

  • Roots Injection with Mycorrhizal Spores: our regular compost tea root injection with added mycorrhizal spores for even better nutrient uptake and enhanced protection through mycorrhizal fungi

  • On-site brewing: for large-scale agricultural applications

  • Soil Food Web Microscope Assessment: Qualitative assessment of microorganisms for soil, compost, or compost tea (SFW)- $90 includes count of Bacteria, Fungi, Protozoa, and Nematodes. As well as a 15-minute phone call to discuss results and photo/video (if possible)


  • Compost Tea Brew Kits (5gal)

    • Includes brew bag, foods for microbes, and fungal dominant vermicompost- $27 (includes shipping)

      *Ask about pricing for custom sizes

  • Vermicompost- Fungal Dominant: $20/ gal

  • Thermal Compost- Fungal Dominant: $15/ gal


*Please contact us for pricings not listed.